Ash Creek SSD Board Meeting February 25, 2021
Present: Richard Hirschi, Kevin Tervort, Lynn Chamberlain, John Bramall, Kelly Wilson, and Justin Sip
Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Blair Gubler, Kim Spendlove.
In Audience: Yvonne Spendlove, Kayos Campos, and Gary Colf.
Prayer and Pledge: Blair Gubler
Public comments: None
The minutes from the January 28, 2021 meeting were discussed.
Motion by John Bramall to approve the minutes as written. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Kayos Campos from Habitat for Humanity came before the board to request a donation of the price of the impact fee. Mike explained the district is not allowed to waive a fee but can donate to a cause if the board feel it is needed.
Motion by Kevin Tervort to approve the donation of $2,600.00 to Habitat for Humanity. Second by John Bramall. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Gary Colf came before the board to discuss some property near the District’s hay barn. There is a sewer line on the property that has been abandoned. He would like to either use the abandoned line or would need to remove the line. They are also proposing changing the zoning to from general commercial to general commercial on the front of Sand Hollow road and ten lots per acre in the back along the District’s property line. He wanted to know if the district had objections to having high density there. Mayor Bramall was concerned with there being 40 units near the hay fields. He thought it would be better to only have five one acre lots than high density. Mike talked about some of the other landowner plans that are being proposed. Mike was concerned about the amount of density that was being approved close to the district fields. He was afraid it would be difficult for the district to continue to farm if there were 40 units against the farm fence. Mike thought the general commercial was the best fit for the district. If the zoning was approved, he would request there be a buffer between the homes and the district fence. Gary said they would design it with a 30 foot buffer between his property and the district fence. Mike thought neighboring landowners should be worked with and there would need to be some give and take. He would rather work with someone than try to fight growth that will be coming. Blair said the grade of existing the pipe might work for the development, but the size of the pipe could be a problem because it is larger than 8-inch. If it didn’t work a smaller pipe size would be needed.
Motion by John Bramall to work with the property owner and not oppose the RM2 zoning with an understanding that a 30 foot buffer will be needed against the district fence. Second Richard Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Fay Reber presented a resolution that would make some adjustments to the impact fee schedule. The impact fee would not be changing just three of the categories. After looking at the impact fee for laundromats, the staff felt like the fee was too high. A study of other laundromats showed the fee should be lowered from $7,336 to $1,586 per washer. The other would only change the definition of group living facilities. A new impact fee for RV dumps would also be added. Darrel explained why the laundromat impact fee was lowering from $7,336.00 to $1,586.00 per washer. Mike talked about the District growth strategies. The board talked about different ways to charge the impact fee for different sized homes.
Motion by John Bramall to approve the resolution adopting the new schedule. Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Darrel presented the Division of Water Quality’s 2020 Municipal Wastewater Planning Report. The report lets the district report on the conditions of the facilities, any problems and growth plans. The board need to adopt the report before it can be sent to the DWQ.
Motion by John Bramall to adopt the 2020 Municipal Wastewater Planning Report. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mike talked about the pioneering agreements for Copper Rock, Pecan Valley subdivisions in Hurricane, and Desert Mountain in Toquerville. The agreements will allow the developers to recoup part of the amount the paid to extend the sewer or build pump stations used by other developers. Any developers who connect to the lines will need to pay a set amount before the district will approve any connection to them. He thought they would be ready for approval next month.
Mike talked about the committee to select an engineer for the Confluence Park treatment plant. The committee selected Bowen & Collens to be the engineers. He thought all of the consultants were close, but the local office gave Bowen & Collens an edge. Mike will be meeting with them to work out the agreement. Mike would still like to include the board as they look at the different types of treatment systems. There are some new technologies he would like to look at.
A Motion to adjourn was made at 7:15 PM.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 25day of February 2021 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737
Commencing at 6:00 PM
- Call to Order Lynn Chamberlain
- Blair Gubler Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.
- Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.
- Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.
- Discussion and approval of minutes from the January 28, 2021 meeting.
- Krista Longhurst 10 minutes Discussion and possible motion concerning donation to Habitat for Humanity for impact fee.
- Gary Coff 10 minutes Discussion and possible motion concerning sewer access and zone change for property near District farm.
- Fay Reber 10 minutes Consideration and adoption of resolution amending the District’s impact fee schedule.
- Discussion of legal matters.
- Michael Chandler 30 minutes Discussion and motion approving the Division of Water Quality Municipal Wastewater Planning Program.
- Discussion and approval of pioneering agreements for Copper Rock, Pecan Valley, and Desert Mountain.
- Discussion and approval of selection of Confluence Park Treatment Plant consultant.
d.. Superintendent’s report on operational matters.
Posted this 23 Day of February 2021
Michael Chandler, Superintendent