Ash Creek SSD Board Meeting October 28, 2021
Present: John Bramall, Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Kevin Tervort, Justin Sip and Lynn Chamberlain.
Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Matt Goodrich, Heath Ruesch, and Kim Spendlove
Audience: Yvonne Spendlove
Prayer and Pledge: Kelly Wilson
Public comments: None
The minutes from the September 23, 2021, meeting were discussed.
Motion by John Bramall to approve the minutes as written. Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Fay presented a resolution to allow the chairman and secretary to sign the document for the property trade. Mike explained the property that would be traded and what we are receiving.
Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the resolution to approve Lynn Chamberlain and Darrel Humphries to sign the property agreement. Second by John Bramall. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Darrel gave a presentation on the ¾ year budget.
Darrel talked about the amended 2021 and proposed 2021 budgets. He pointed out changes in the 2021 budget and talked about the causes of the changes. The board talked about the proposed 2022 budget. Darrel said they are a proposing a 6% wage increase. Three percent would be given to each employee. The other three percent will be split evenly between the full-time employees. This will help those lower paid employees get ahead of inflation.
Mike talked about the capital facilities plan that is being completed. He thought it would be January before it was ready for adoption. There are some new pump stations that will need to be built that will be added to the plan. Most of the impact fee will the cost of building the Confluence Park Treatment Plant.
Mike talked about the bid for the Reach 11 project to replace the 21-inch concrete line with larger PVC pipe. Interstate Rock was the low bidder at $1,356,070.00.
Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the bid of $1,356,070.00 for the Reach 11 project. Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mike talked about the date for the December board meeting and Christmas party. He would like to change the party and meeting to the 14 of December for both. The board said to plan on them for that day. Fay will advertise the public hearing for the budget.
Mike talked about the district’s plan review fee. The district used to charge the fee when plans were sent to outside engineers but stopped when reviews started being done in house. The staff would like to reinstate them for both the county and cities to help pay for some of the time staff
Ash Creek SSD
Board Meeting
October 28, 2021
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spends reviewing plans. Mike is hoping engineers will present better plans if they are having to pay for the review. The board agreed with charging the fee.
Mike discussed a staff member participating as a board member of the Utah Association of Special Districts. He thought it would be good to get a staff member involved in the board. They are asking for an indorsement from the district board to support the staff member participating. The board felt they would support an employee being on the board.
Mike talked about the slope failure in LaVerkin. The road is sluffing off. The sewer is on the sitting on the side that is failing. The district will need to move the line 5-8 feet to protect the line. Mike estimated the cost will be 12,000. The district has $30,000 in emergency repair funds to move the line. The board said it sounded like it needed to be done.
Motion by John Bramall to approve the emergency funds to move the sewer line. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Mike talked about short term rentals. The board had previously instructed the district to not charge an impact fee for them. The district has noticed an increase in water usage by these businesses. Justin asked if the impact was already paid and if this was more of a monthly fee question. Mike talked about the difference in how the funds can be spent.
Mike will be meeting with fish and wildlife to make some modifications to make sure we are not adversely affecting the Confluence Park. Mike talked about the penstock and possibly trading for some other lands to clear up ownership questions.
Mike reported on WEFTEC and the inspection of the proposed treatment facility.
Mike talked about a living facility for autistic people. They would like to meet with Mike to talk about funding. He did not feel like the district can donate impact fees. The county is building a receiving center for people with mental health to stay and calm down. They will probably like the district to donate the impact fee, but Mike felt like those funds were the only way for the district to fund for growth.
Mike talked about a project on 1100 West. The developer needs an 8-inch line for their project. The district would like a 10-inch line installed. The cost difference for the larger line will be $23,100.00.
Motion by John Bramall to approve the district paying the cost to make the line larger. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mike will present the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan at the December meeting for approval.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 PM.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that this Ash Creek Special Service District Board will hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 28day of October 2021 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737
Commencing at 6:00 PM
- Call to Order Lynn Chamberlain
- Justin Sip Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.
- Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.
- Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.
- Discussion and approval of minutes from the September 23, 2021 meeting.
- Fay Reber 10 minutes Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of signatures for property exchange.
- Discussion of legal matters.
- Darrel Humphries 10 minutes Presentation of 3/4 year budget.
- Review of preliminary 2021 amended and 2022 proposed budgets.
- Mike Chandler 30 minutes Discussion and motion awarding Reach 11 Pipeline project.
- Discussion of setting meeting date for December meeting.
- Discussion and approval of expenditure to upsize line at 3200 S. 1150 W. from 8-inch to 10-inch.
- Review of Sanitary Sewer Management Plan.
- Discussion and possible motion concerning emergency repair of sewer line at 280 N. 560 W. LaVerkin.
- Superintendent’s report on operational matters.
Posted this 26 day of October 2021
Michael Chandler, Superintendent