Ash Creek SSD Board Meeting February 24, 2022
Present: Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, and Nanette Billings.
Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Matt Goodrich, Darrel Humphries, Kim Spendlove, and Gary Wilcox,
Audience: Randy Zollinger.
Prayer and Pledge: Matt Goodrich
Public comments: None
The minutes from the January 27, 2022, meeting were discussed. There was one change made to the approval of the minutes
Motion by Richard Hirschi to approve the January 27, 2022, minutes with one adjustment. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
The consent agenda included approval of the Hurricane Field Estates, Sandstone Ph1, Dratter Estates, Hillside Estates, Sedero Ph 1, Estates@sandhollow, Painted Sands Ph 3, and Cordero Ph 1 projects. There was some discussion about where the subdivisions were, and the county area around Copper Rocks Subdivision.
Motion by Justin Sip to approve the projects on the consent agenda. Second by Nanette Billings. Moton carried by unanimous vote.
Fay reported that the county commission has appointed all the board members to be on the board.
Darrel gave a presentation on the 4th quarter budget. The operational and capital budgets were discussed. Darel reviewed the operational budget and impact fee income from 2021.
Darrel talked about the state auditor training that is required for all new board members. All the members except Justin are starting new terms and will need to go through the training by December.
Mike is waiting for information from Apple Valley to see how they feel about the annexation.
Mike talked about the previous motion for waiving the impact fee for the Washington County receiving center. The motion set the limit at 16,000.00. The impact fee would have been slightly over $16,000.00. Mike asked that the motion be adjusted to reflect the higher amount.
Motion by Nanette Billings to adjust the motion from last meeting to up to a maximum of $17,000.00. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mike talked about the road sinking in on 3000 South in Hurricane. This road was part of the Bench Lake project. Durning Construction, the project met the compaction tests required by the district and city. The upper areas of the roadway were compacted but many areas in the deepest parts of the trench are not passing the hammer test. The test sent a hammer blow down to see how many blows it takes to drive a foot. The upper sections took 30-35 blows. Some of the lower
Ash Creek SSD
Board Meeting
February 24, 2022
Page 2
sections only took 5-7 blows. Mike felt like this was a result of too big of lifts being compacted at one time. The sewer pipe has also been squished into an egg shape. Mike feels like the problems with settling are a warranty issue and the district and city needed to ask Interstate what their plan to correct the problem was. The problem was a safety concern for the people using the road. Mike said they would be meeting with Interstate this next month.
Mike talked about some of the collection system repairs being made in the cities.
The staff will be contacting the property reserve of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to talk about getting an easement or land for the low spot of the pecan valley. This will help developers know where a pump station is needed and lower the number of pump stations in the area built for individual developments.
The staff has talked to Zions Bank about starting the bonding process for the Confluence Park treatment plant. Adopting the parameters resolution earlier than normal might help the district get a better interest rate.
The staff is looking at equipment for the treatment plant. Some of the equipment may be ordered before the contract is awarded to get so there will not be a delay in getting the shipment.
Mike talked about some of the conferences the board would be invited to attend if they were interested in them.
Nanette asked about Leeds. Mike said the town has talked to the district for many years about them joining the district, but they have never wanted the growth a sewer system would bring. Until they are willing to make the commitment there wasn’t much the district could do to serve the area.
Motion to adjourn was made at 7:10 PM.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 24day of February 2022 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737
Commencing at 6:00 PM
- Call to Order Kelly Wilson
- Matt Goodrich Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.
- Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.
- Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.
- Discussion and approval of minutes from the January 27, 2022 meeting.
Consent Agenda
Approval of the following subdivisions/projects:
Hurricane Fields Estates Sedero Ph 1
Sandstone Ph 1 Estates@sandhollow
Dratter Estates Painted Sands Ph 3
Hillside Estates Cordero Ph 1
Regular Agenda
- Fay Reber 10 minutes Discussion of legal matters.
- Darrel Humphries 10 minutes Presentation on 4th quarter 2021 financials.
- Discussion of required Utah State special service board member training.
- Michael Chandler 30 minutes Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of a joint resolution requesting annexation of Apple Valley into the district.
- Discussion and possible motion concerning impact fee re-evaluation for Washington County receiving center.
- Discussion of 3000 South Hurricane compaction reports.
- Superintendent’s report on other operational matters.
Posted this 22 day of February 2022
Michael Chandler, Superintendent