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April 28th ,2022


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    April 28, 2022
Present: Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, David Hirschi and Nanette Billings (Nanette via virtual).
Staff: Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Kim Spendlove and Greg Kleinman.
Audience: Aaron Anderson, Yvonne Spendlove and Mark Anderson (Mark via virtual).
Prayer and Pledge:  David Hirschi
Public comments: None
The minutes from the March 24, 2022, meeting were discussed.
Motion by Justin Sip to approve the March 24, 2022, minutes with one adjustment. Second by David Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Fay did not have any legal matter to discuss.
Motion by David Hirschi to open the meeting to a public hearing to hear comments on the proposed 30 million dollar bond for the confluence park treatment plant. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
There were no comments by the public.
Motion by David Hirschi to close the public hearing and return to regular meeting. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Aaron Anderson came before the board to discuss the rate study his firm has been doing for the district. Aaron explained the rate study process of balancing revenues verses expenses to see how much money the district will need to charge to pay for future expenses. Aaron said the future expenses of a treatment plant and keeping up with the projected growth will require additional funds and manpower. They also need to look at current and future bonds to ensure the monthly fees can make the payments. Aaron talked about the current monthly fee and had some suggestions for the rates needed in the future. The first suggestion was a 10 dollar rate increase for both residential and commercial users. The volume rate for commercial users would be raised to $4.11 for every 1,000 gallons used over 12,000 gallons. This would put much of the additional cost on those commercial users who used the most water. They would also suggest a 3% increase each year to keep up with inflation and added expenses. The board agreed with the concept of having a small increase every year instead of waiting for multiple years then needing to have a large increase at one time.  The last increase for the district was in 2008. Aaron talked about the reserve fund the district has. The model they have now shows the proposed capital projects draining most of the funds then starting to build back up with the new rates and continued growth. The board talked about making sure the district is looking at the rates more often, so these large increases are not needed. Justin suggested putting it into the district bylaws that the board do a rate study every two to three years instead of waiting until it was an emergency. The board talked about the impact on people with a fixed budget. The board asked about doing a smaller increase then larger yearly increases. Aaron said they could look at that, but the plan
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Board Meeting
April 28, 2022
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presented would just keep the district level financially. A second alternative could be to increase the cost of sewer to those who use it the most. This would raise the residential rate slightly less to $34.14 but the commercial rate would increase to $60.33 a month. This wouldn’t be a large savings for the residential users but a large increase for commercial users. This plan would keep the 3% increase a year and would have the same revenue as the first suggestion. Aaron thought it would be a good idea to do the rate study at the same time an impact fee study is done every three to four years. Aaron said he will look at a scenario with a $5.00 increase and a larger percentage increase each year.
Darrel talked about the reach 11 project. About 60% of the pipe has been delivered. Interstate rock doesn’t want to start the project until all the pipe has been delivered. All the pipe should be delivered by the end of May. Staff is hoping the project will start in mid-June or early July.
3000 south in Hurricane has started to settle again now that water is being put on the fields. The staff has met with Interstate Rock to discuss the warranty on the project. They would like to try some different types of fixes before excavating the roadway. They will be driving some of their heavy machines in the roadway to try and settle the road to cause more settling then patch the road. They will also put a machine in the pipe that will vibrate the soils around the pipe and bring the egg shaped pipe back to its proper shape. The district will be paying for a geo-technical company to use ground radiation equipment to look for voids.
The county commission has approved a resolution to start the annexation of Apple Valley into the district. There is a timeline to show the annexation could be completed by August 26. There are several items that the staff will need to work with the town on to make sure both entities are ready when the annexation is complete.  The staff is completing an update to the Rules of Operation and Construction Standards. When they are approved by the board, they will need to be given to all the cities to adopted into the city ordinances. The district will also need to work out a billing agreement with Apple Valley before the annexation is complete.
 Highway 318 is the road that goes around Qual Lake. The Water Conservancy District is going to be replacing the water line in the roadway. The district’s pressure sewer line for Harrisburg was installed thirty years ago by the developer. It has had some issues in the past with air locks and minor breaks. The staff would like to replace the pressure line while the water district is excavating for the water line. Darrel didn’t think the construction would start this year but there could be some engineering costs before the next budget year. Justin asked if the line needed to be made larger for future development. Darrel said the original developer had oversized the pump station and line so there was adequate capacity in both. The board said it was better to do the project with the conservancy district than on our own.
Darrel talked about construction management general contractors. Instead of the regular method of having a project designed, approved, and then going out to bid, the district would  put the
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April 28, 2022
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entire project to bid for one price. Many bigger cities in Northern Utah are using this method for large projects to control inflation and change order costs. The management general contractor comes in when the project is about 50% planned and give a bid to complete the how project. They would be responsible for getting the materials and contractors to complete the project for the given cost. The district could stipulate the use of local contractors as part of the bidding process. This type of construction usually costs more in the front end but protects the district from changes order, inflations and costs associated with supply chain shortages. Kelly asked if the district would look at different companies. Darrel said it would go out to bid between the management general contractors. Aaron Anderson explained how the concept worked to help shorten the build timeline. Darrel and Aaron said they didn’t have to go with a high bid or could even fire the contractor if it wasn’t working out. Justin asked if the district could purchase materials and not have to pay the markup contractors charge. Aaron said he would investigate that. The board thought the concept would be worth looking into.
Darrel gave a presentation on the ¼ year budget.
The board discussed and signed the yearly ethics pledge.
The district had the replacement of the sewer line on 100 south between main street and state street in LaVerkin bid with a LaVerkin City project. The bid was $209,000.00. The budget for the project was $80,000.00. The staff will continue with the new bid and adjust the budget.
Darrel said the district is getting bids for a change order on the Toquerville bypass road. The contractor will give a price to change from regular manholes to armor-rock manholes. The manholes will cost more but the district will also be allowing the line to be installed at a shallower depth. This will give some savings to the contractor. Mike will be contacting the board for approval when the bid is given.
Motion to adjourn 7:05 PM.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 28day of April 2022 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737
 Commencing at 6:00 PM
1.                                                         Call to Order                            Kelly Wilson
2.                  David Hirschi                                                  Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.
3.                  Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized).  Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.
4.                  Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.
5.                  Discussion and approval of minutes from the March 24, 2022 meeting.
6.                  Fay Reber                                                        10 minutes       Discussion of legal matters.
7.                  Public Hearing                                                3 min/person    PUBLIC HEARING to allow public input regarding (A) the issuance and sale of not more than $30,000,000 aggregate principal amount of sewer revenue bonds series 2022, (The “Bonds” and (B) any potential economic impact that the project described herein to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds issued under the act may have on the private sector; and related matters.
8.                  Darrel Humphries                                           30 minutes       A.        Report on Reach 11 Pipeline Project.
B.        Discussion of 3000 South Road Reconstructions.
C.        Discussion of joint resolution requesting annexation for Apple Valley
D.        Discussion of proposed monthly rates
E.         Discussion of Highway 318 Sewer Replacement.
F.         Discussion of Construction Management General Contractor contract procurement.
G.        Review of 1/4 year budget
H.        Review of annual Ethics Pledge
I           Discussion of other operational matters. 
Posted this 25 day of April 2022

March 24, 2022


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    March 24, 2022

Present: Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, Nanette Billings, David Hirschi and Keen Ellsworth.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Matt Goodrich, Darrel Humphries, Abby Pulsipher, Kim Spendlove, Logan Murphy, and Gary Wilcox,

Audience: Mark Anderson, and Yvonne Spendlove

Prayer and Pledge: Darrel Humphries

Public comments: None

The minutes from the February 24, 2022, meeting were discussed.

Motion by Justin Sip to approve the February 24, 2022. Second by Nanette Billings. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike talked about the resolution that has been signed by apple valley. They have approved the agreement requesting annexation to the county commission. The district would need to also agree to the annexation. After all the details are worked out, it would be up to the county commission to make the annexation final. Kelly asked if they would start paying a monthly fee as soon as the annexation was completed. Mike said when the community systems are completed the people in those developments will start paying a monthly fee and an impact fee. Mike would like to keep all of the district fees the same for each of the communities. There wouldn’t be any income from current homes only new subdivision that build their own treatment systems. Fay gave a history about the agreements the district made with the three original communities when it was created. He thought some of those same agreements needed to be made with Apple Valley before the annexation became complete. Mike talked about how he thought the growth in these outlying areas would happen. Mayor Billings felt like Apple Valley along with Virgin and Leeds needed to find a solution to wastewater if they wanted to have affordable housing. The board talked about how many board members joining cities would be granted. Mike thought one elected mayor or city council member for each city would be the most he would want to see join the board. Having more than that would make the board too large to get together. Fay read the language of the agreement to the board. Adopting the resolution would not commit the district to the annexation until all the details are worked out.

Motion by Keen Ellsworth to adopt the resolution with Apple Valley to start the annexation process. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike and Mark Anderson from Zions Bank discussed a parameters resolution for the confluence park bonding. Mark talked about what was happening in the bond market. The Fed has just completed their first interest rate increase 10 days before. The parameters resolution does not bind the district to borrowing the money but sets the standards for bonding and interest rate. He felt that rates will continue to rise and the sooner the debt was issued the better. He said every quarter percent raised would be an additional $800,000.00 in interest payments on a 25 year bond for $30,000,000.00. The parameters of this bond would be for a maximum of 30 years, $30,000,000.00, 5% interest, and 2% Discount. It also sets out the people who could make decisions about the bonding. The Board would need to have a public hearing adopting the bond before it could be sold. Mark thought it could be done at the next meeting. Justin asked how long it would take to be issued. Mark said it could be done as quickly as 60 days. Mark talked about monthly fees needing to be high enough to show investors the district would not have a problem paying off the bond. Mike talked about using some of the reserve money for the project and setting some aside as a dept reserve. The board asked how they knew it would stay under the 5% interest. Mark said the market would have to go crazy for the rate to go over 5% by the time we closed on the bond. Nanette asked what the monthly fee would need to make sure we would have the income to pay back the bond. Mike said the Bowan Collins study should be ready by the next meeting showing what the district’s fees would need to be. They will work with Mark to make sure the bond payment is included in the monthly fee to cover both operation and debt payment. Mike thought the district could be in the same situation in 7-10 years when a treatment plant in Hurricane needed to be built.

Motion by Justin Sip to approve the approve the parameters resolution of not more than $30,000,000.00 bonded, 5% interest, 30 years payment, and 2% discount. Second by Nanette Billings. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike introduced Abby Pulsipher. She has been hired to help in the front office and will be taking minutes.

Mike reminded the board about the State Auditor’s board training and invited them to attend the UWA conference in April if they were interested.

The board talked about some of the projects and manholes required on regional sewer lines.

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:18


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 24day of March 2022 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Kelly Wilson


  1. Darrel Humphries Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the February 24, 2022 meeting.


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes       Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Michael Chandler 30 minutes               Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of a joint resolution requesting annexation of Apple Valley into the district.
  2. Consideration for adoption of a resolution of the administrative control board of Ash Creek Special Service District, Utah; authorizing the issuance and sale of not more than $30,000,000 aggregate principal amount of sewer revenue bonds and related matters.
  3. Superintendent’s report on other operational matters.



Posted this 23 day of March 2022

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

February 24, 2022


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    February 24, 2022

Present: Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, and Nanette Billings.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Matt Goodrich, Darrel Humphries, Kim Spendlove, and Gary Wilcox,

Audience: Randy Zollinger.

Prayer and Pledge:  Matt Goodrich

Public comments: None

The minutes from the January 27, 2022, meeting were discussed. There was one change made to the approval of the minutes

Motion by Richard Hirschi to approve the January 27, 2022, minutes with one adjustment. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

The consent agenda included approval of the Hurricane Field Estates, Sandstone Ph1, Dratter Estates, Hillside Estates, Sedero Ph 1, Estates@sandhollow, Painted Sands Ph 3, and Cordero Ph 1 projects. There was some discussion about where the subdivisions were, and the county area around Copper Rocks Subdivision.

Motion by Justin Sip to approve the projects on the consent agenda. Second by Nanette Billings. Moton carried by unanimous vote.

Fay reported that the county commission has appointed all the board members to be on the board.

Darrel gave a presentation on the 4th quarter budget. The operational and capital budgets were discussed. Darel reviewed the operational budget and impact fee income from 2021.

Darrel talked about the state auditor training that is required for all new board members. All the members except Justin are starting new terms and will need to go through the training by December.

Mike is waiting for information from Apple Valley to see how they feel about the annexation.

Mike talked about the previous motion for waiving the impact fee for the Washington County receiving center. The motion set the limit at 16,000.00. The impact fee would have been slightly over $16,000.00. Mike asked that the motion be adjusted to reflect the higher amount.

Motion by Nanette Billings to adjust the motion from last meeting to up to a maximum of $17,000.00. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike talked about the road sinking in on 3000 South in Hurricane. This road was part of the Bench Lake project. Durning Construction, the project met the compaction tests required by the district and city. The upper areas of the roadway were compacted but many areas in the deepest parts of the trench are not passing the hammer test. The test sent a hammer blow down to see how many blows it takes to drive a foot. The upper sections took 30-35 blows. Some of the lower

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Board Meeting
February 24, 2022
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sections only took 5-7 blows. Mike felt like this was a result of too big of lifts being compacted at one time. The sewer pipe has also been squished into an egg shape. Mike feels like the problems with settling are a warranty issue and the district and city needed to ask Interstate what their plan to correct the problem was. The problem was a safety concern for the people using the road. Mike said they would be meeting with Interstate this next month.

Mike talked about some of the collection system repairs being made in the cities.

The staff will be contacting the property reserve of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to talk about getting an easement or land for the low spot of the pecan valley. This will help developers know where a pump station is needed and lower the number of pump stations in the area built for individual developments.

The staff has talked to Zions Bank about starting the bonding process for the Confluence Park treatment plant. Adopting the parameters resolution earlier than normal might help the district get a better interest rate.

The staff is looking at equipment for the treatment plant. Some of the equipment may be ordered before the contract is awarded to get so there will not be a delay in getting the shipment.

Mike talked about some of the conferences the board would be invited to attend if they were interested in them.

Nanette asked about Leeds. Mike said the town has talked to the district for many years about them joining the district, but they have never wanted the growth a sewer system would bring. Until they are willing to make the commitment there wasn’t much the district could do to serve the area.

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:10 PM.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 24day of February 2022 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Kelly Wilson


  1. Matt Goodrich Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the January 27, 2022 meeting.


Consent Agenda


Approval of the following subdivisions/projects:


Hurricane Fields Estates         Sedero Ph 1

Sandstone Ph 1                                   Estates@sandhollow

Dratter Estates                                                Painted Sands Ph 3

Hillside Estates                                   Cordero Ph 1


Regular Agenda


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes       Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Darrel Humphries 10 minutes               Presentation on 4th quarter 2021 financials.
  2. Discussion of required Utah State special service board member training.


  1. Michael Chandler 30 minutes               Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of a joint resolution requesting annexation of Apple Valley into the district.
  2. Discussion and possible motion concerning impact fee re-evaluation for Washington County receiving center.
  3. Discussion of 3000 South Hurricane compaction reports.
  4. Superintendent’s report on other operational matters.


Posted this 22 day of February 2022

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

January 27, 2021


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    January 27, 2022

Present: Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, Nanette Billings, David Hirschi, and Keen Ellsworth.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Matt Goodrich, Heath Ruesch, Kim Spendlove, Gary Wilcox, Logan Murphy, and Mario Campos

Audience: Karl Wilson and Randy Zolinger.

Prayer and Pledge:  Michael Chandler

Public comments: None

The minutes from the December 14, 2021, meeting were discussed.

Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the December 14, 2021, minutes as written. Second by Richard Hirschi. Motion carried with yes votes by Kelly Wilson, Richard Hirschi, Nanette Billings, David Hirschi, and Justin Sip. Keen Elsworth abstained from voting since he was not at the meeting.

The board discussed a change in the board chair. The chairman position normally changes every two years with each city taking a turn. Lynn Chamberlain from Toquerville was the chair for the previous two years. It would be LaVerkin City’s turn to chair.

Motion by Nanette Billings to have Kelly Wilson to be the board chair with Richard Hirschi to act as chair pro-tem when Kelly is not present. The term will be for two years. Second by David Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike talked about the make up of the board. Each of the cities appoints the board members each year with the mayor and a member of the city council. He felt the board make up had been good for the district and the cities.

Fay talked about the cities adopting the district’s rules and regulations. This helped the district and the cities have the same rules when it comes to wastewater. The city can help with district’s enforcement if there is an issue. The board talked about the district’s authority. Fay said the county gave the district authority to oversee certain things. The county commission is still the ultimate authority over the district.

Mike talked about a resolution with Apple Valley requesting annexation of the city into the district. They are receiving many requests for community wastewater systems. The mayor of the town is concerned that they do not have the staff or expertise to review or operate the individual wastewater systems. There are currently two large developments that are requesting approval. Mike felt that annexation is the best option because it allows the cities to adopt the district’s rules and do the monthly billing for the district. The initial work for the town will be to take care of the community systems built by developers. Mike talked about requiring people to connect to the sewer system. Most people who are already on a septic tank do not want to go to the expense of connecting to the sewer system. In the past, the district has granted a variance by not requiring people to connect but still requiring the monthly fee be paid. This has led to some frustration when new homeowners find out they are not connected to the sewer and have been paying the

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Board Meeting
January 27, 2022
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monthly fee. Mike would like to change the rules to allow the variance if the homeowners are willing to sign an agreement stating connection will be made if the home sells, the septic tank fails, or ten years passes. This would force the homes to eventually connect to the sewer instead of an unconditional variance being given. Justin asked if a lien could be placed on the home. Mike said a lien would work, but feels an agreement presented to the homeowners when the wastewater lines are constructed would work. The agreement would give them the variance, list the requirements to connect to the sewer, and be recorded against the property.  Nanette asked if this would only be for Apple Valley or for all the communities. Mike felt the district’s rules should be the same for all the communities served. It will affect the towns being annexed into the district more than the three current cities. Mike talked about the dangers of large concentrations of septic tanks and felt it was the district’s responsibility to help reduce them when possible. The board talked about the need for additional employees. Mike felt like the district will need a septic specialist and additional inspectors. The board talked about fees for new cities. Mike liked having a unified fee for all member cities. He felt like they should be paying the same fee the three cities. Mike felt there were five things that needed to happen for them to be annexed into the district,

  1. They be willing to adopt the district rules of operation and construction standards,
  2. They collect the monthly fees.
  3. Establish a building permit process to guarantee payment of impact fees, and ensure inspections are done before occupancy is granted.
  4. A plan review process to allow the district to approve the plans of new developments before the city gives approval.
  5. Address an additional seat on the board.

The board talked about the additional board members. Justin asked about needing more employees and if the new areas should be paying a higher monthly fee for the added costs. Mike talked about the plan review fee being charged to help pay for costs. The county area is charged a larger fee because they do not pay a monthly fee. The board felt the fee should be looked at to make sure enough is charged and the three cities are not subsidizing areas coming into the district.

The board talked about the possibility of the district taking over all the unincorporated areas of the county. Mike talked about some of the things that need to be taken care of before that could happen. The main consideration being ensuring that the three current communities are not subsidizing other areas of the county.

Mike talked about a receiving center the county is building near the fairgrounds. The facility will give the police a place to take people with emotional/mental problems. This will keep them out of jails or hospitals. The county has asked that the impact fees be waived. The impact fee would

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January 27, 2022
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be about $16,000. The board talked about what the facility would be used for and how long people would be staying. Mike felt like this was different from other requests because they are a providing a service and are a government entity.

Motion by Nanette Billings to approve waving the impact fee up to $16,000.00.  Second by Keen Ellsworth. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Mike talked about a wage increase for Amber Gillette, the District’s engineer. She has recertified as a professional engineer. Mike requested a $1.50 an hour raise to mover her into the P.E. range.

Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the wage increase of $1.50 an hour for Amber. Second by Richard Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Mike requested that PTO accumulation rates be adjusted for employees who are coming to the district with multiple years of experience. Mike asked change to rules to allow new employees to be allowed to accumulate PTO at a rate that meets the experience they are bringing into the district instead of starting over with the minimum accumulation. Nanette felt it should be changed in the personal policy to allow the flexibility when hiring new people. Mike said he could rewrite the policy.

Motion by Nanette Billings to change the policy of the district to allow the PTO accumulation of new employees be based on the amount of experience they are bringing to the district. Second by David Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Mike talked about some financial information for the state and Washington County.

Mike talked about the regional wastewater reuse plan that is being discussed by the Water Conservancy District.  The conservancy district has put together plans of where treated wastewater could be used. Mike talked about the cities being the owner of the water rights. The district does not own the water right if the water is reused. Mike was concerned that he was being included in the discussions about reuse when the cities own the water. He wanted the city officials to know what was being proposed and make sure they were protecting their water rights. The board talked about some of the difficulties the Lake Powell Pipeline will face. Mike wanted the cities to be involved to make sure they get credit for their water rights that are being reused after treatment and that they are represented on the decisions being made.

Mike talked about preliminary plans for the Confluence Park treatment plant have been made to the state. The state will have 60 days to review the plans. Mike his hoping to start the bidding process in the fourth quarter of this year. Mike explained the treatment process being proposed. The initial cost of construction will be higher, but a lower power cost will be a long term benefit.  The district is currently having an impact fee study done that will include the treatment plant is almost complete. The initial indications are the fee will be about $3,200.00 when the study is

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complete. Mike talked about the growth of the cities and the need to be planning for not only the Confluence Park treatment plant but also a treatment plant to replace the lagoons. If the cost of the lagoon replacement plant is included in the impact fee window the fee could be $3,600.00.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:50 PM.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 27day of January 2022 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Justin Sip


  1. Michael Chandler Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the December 14, 2021 meeting.


  1. Justin Sip 5 minutes         Discussion and motion concerning changing the board chairman.


  1. Michael Chandler 30 minutes               Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of a joint resolution requesting annexation of Apple Valley into the district.
  2. Discussion and possible motion concerning impact fee consideration for Washington County Receiving Center.
  3. Discussion and possible motion concerning employee merit increase and PTO accumulation rate adjustments.
  4. Superintendent’s report on other operational matters.


Posted this 21 day of January 2022

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

December 14, 2021


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    December 14, 2021

Present: Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip and Lynn Chamberlain.

John Bramall and Kevin Tervort asked to be excused.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Gary Wilcox, Mario Campos, Heath Ruesch, Logn Murphy and Kim Spendlove

Audience: Kristy Murphy, Kay Chamberlain, and Jodi Wilcox

Prayer and Pledge:  Fay Reber

Public comments: None

Chairman Lynn Chamberlain thanked those who had served on the board whose terms are expiring. Lynn, Dick, Kevin, and John will all be leaving at the end of the year. He thanked the board and the staff. Mayor Hirschi thanked the Lynn for his time as chairman.

The minutes from the October 28, 2021, meeting were discussed.

The meeting was opened to the public for comments on the amended 2021 and proposed 2022 budgets.

Ther were no public comments.

The public hearing was closed, and the meeting went back to regular meeting.

Mike talked about the owners of the East LaVerkin bench being interested in developing the land. The budget has been changed to include $200,000.00 for engineering to get the sewer up on the bench from LaVerkin. The fall of the land will require at least two pump stations. He wanted to work with LaVerkin and possibly Virgin to get the sewer to the area. Richard asked if the district would be putting a sewer line in front of all the homes or new subdivisions. Mike said the developers would be responsible for extending the sewer to the subdivisions. The district will only be installing a main sewer line and pump stations to the area. Mike felt there would be more federal money available in the future. There was some discussion about where the current federal money was going. Mike talked about some of the difficulties the district and Virgin will have with growth in the area. An agreement will need to be made between the city and district to become body politic for the proposed projects. The board talked about other municipalities who have talked to the district about possible sewer collection and treatment.

Mike talked about the completion of the engineering for the Confluence Treatment Plant being done in 2022. He talked about the additional manpower needed when the project is built.

Mike talked about the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan. He is still working with the county to get some numbers on population. The plan sets how the district will operate and take care of emergencies. If there is a problem, the state would look at the management plan to see if the district followed procedures.

Justin Sip came into the meeting.

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Board Meeting
December 14, 2021
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Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the minutes as written. Second by Richard Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Motion by Richard Hirschi to adopt the district’s Sanitary Sewer Management Plan. Second by Kelly Wilson. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

The 2021 amended budget was the same as that presented in the previous meeting with some small adjustments. The largest adjustment was a reduction in the amount of impact fee revenue because there had been fewer homes built in the fourth quarter. The cost of living increase for wages in 2022 had been adjusted to a six percent cost of living increase for all employees. An additional three percent increase would be split evenly among all full-time employees. Mike also requested merit increases of one-dollar an hour for Gary Wilcox and Jason Stevens, and two-dollars an hour for Heath Ruesch because of additional responsibilities they had taken on. An increase of two dollars and fifty cents and hour was requested for Darrel Humphries since he was graduating with his bachelor’s degree. This increase would be equivalent to passing the grade four certification tests.

Motion by Kelly Wilson to adopt the amended 2021budget. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Motion by Justin Sip to adopt the 2022 budget. Second by Richard Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

A Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 5:45


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that this

Ash Creek Special Service District Board

will hold its regular meeting and public hearing on

Tuesday the 14 day of December 2021 at the Ash Creek Office

Building at 1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737


Commencing at 5:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Lynn Chamberlain


  1. Justin Sip Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the October 28, 2021 meeting.


  1. Public Hearing 3min/person     The meeting will be opened to the public for comments on the amended 2021 and proposed 2022 budgets.


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes                Consideration and adoption of resolution amending the 2021budget.
  2. Consideration and adoption of resolution adopting the 2022 budget.
  3. Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Michael Chandler 15 minutes               Consideration and adoption of resolution adopting the district’s sanitary sewer management plan.
  2. Superintendent’s report on operational matters.



Posted this 9 day of December 2021

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

October 28, 2021


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    October 28, 2021

Present: John Bramall, Richard Hirschi, Kelly Wilson, Kevin Tervort, Justin Sip and Lynn Chamberlain.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Matt Goodrich, Heath Ruesch, and Kim Spendlove

Audience: Yvonne Spendlove

Prayer and Pledge:  Kelly Wilson

Public comments: None

The minutes from the September 23, 2021, meeting were discussed.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the minutes as written. Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Fay presented a resolution to allow the chairman and secretary to sign the document for the property trade. Mike explained the property that would be traded and what we are receiving.

Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the resolution to approve Lynn Chamberlain and Darrel Humphries to sign the property agreement. Second by John Bramall. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Darrel gave a presentation on the ¾ year budget.

Darrel talked about the amended 2021 and proposed 2021 budgets. He pointed out changes in the 2021 budget and talked about the causes of the changes. The board talked about the proposed 2022 budget. Darrel said they are a proposing a 6% wage increase. Three percent would be given to each employee. The other three percent will be split evenly between the full-time employees. This will help those lower paid employees get ahead of inflation.

Mike talked about the capital facilities plan that is being completed. He thought it would be January before it was ready for adoption. There are some new pump stations that will need to be built that will be added to the plan. Most of the impact fee will the cost of building the Confluence Park Treatment Plant.

Mike talked about the bid for the Reach 11 project to replace the 21-inch concrete line with larger PVC pipe. Interstate Rock was the low bidder at $1,356,070.00.

Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the bid of $1,356,070.00 for the Reach 11 project. Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike talked about the date for the December board meeting and Christmas party. He would like to change the party and meeting to the 14 of December for both. The board said to plan on them for that day. Fay will advertise the public hearing for the budget.

Mike talked about the district’s plan review fee. The district used to charge the fee when plans were sent to outside engineers but stopped when reviews started being done in house. The staff would like to reinstate them for both the county and cities to help pay for some of the time staff

Ash Creek SSD
Board Meeting
October 28, 2021
Page 2

spends reviewing plans. Mike is hoping engineers will present better plans if they are having to pay for the review. The board agreed with charging the fee.

Mike discussed a staff member participating as a board member of the Utah Association of Special Districts. He thought it would be good to get a staff member involved in the board. They are asking for an indorsement from the district board to support the staff member participating. The board felt they would support an employee being on the board.

Mike talked about the slope failure in LaVerkin. The road is sluffing off. The sewer is on the sitting on the side that is failing. The district will need to move the line 5-8 feet to protect the line. Mike estimated the cost will be 12,000. The district has $30,000 in emergency repair funds to move the line. The board said it sounded like it needed to be done.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the emergency funds to move the sewer line. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

Mike talked about short term rentals. The board had previously instructed the district to not charge an impact fee for them. The district has noticed an increase in water usage by these businesses. Justin asked if the impact was already paid and if this was more of a monthly fee question. Mike talked about the difference in how the funds can be spent.

Mike will be meeting with fish and wildlife to make some modifications to make sure we are not adversely affecting the Confluence Park. Mike talked about the penstock and possibly trading for some other lands to clear up ownership questions.

Mike reported on WEFTEC and the inspection of the proposed treatment facility.

Mike talked about a living facility for autistic people. They would like to meet with Mike to talk about funding. He did not feel like the district can donate impact fees. The county is building a receiving center for people with mental health to stay and calm down. They will probably like the district to donate the impact fee, but Mike felt like those funds were the only way for the district to fund for growth.

Mike talked about a project on 1100 West. The developer needs an 8-inch line for their project. The district would like a 10-inch line installed. The cost difference for the larger line will be $23,100.00.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the district paying the cost to make the line larger. Second by Justin Sip. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike will present the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan at the December meeting for approval.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 PM.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that this Ash Creek Special Service District Board will hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 28day of October 2021 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Lynn Chamberlain


  1. Justin Sip Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the September 23, 2021 meeting.


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes               Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of signatures for property exchange.
  2. Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Darrel Humphries 10 minutes               Presentation of 3/4 year budget.
  2. Review of preliminary 2021 amended and 2022 proposed budgets.


  1. Mike Chandler 30 minutes               Discussion and motion awarding Reach 11 Pipeline project.
  2. Discussion of setting meeting date for December meeting.
  3. Discussion and approval of expenditure to upsize line at 3200 S. 1150 W. from 8-inch to 10-inch.
  4. Review of Sanitary Sewer Management Plan.
  5. Discussion and possible motion concerning emergency repair of sewer line at 280 N. 560 W. LaVerkin.
  6. Superintendent’s report on operational matters.


Posted this 26 day of October 2021

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

September 23, 2021


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    September 23, 2021

Present: Kevin Tervort, John Bramall, Richard Hirschi and Lynn Chamberlain.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Matt Goodrich, Heath Ruesch, and Gary Wilcox.


Prayer and Pledge: Lynn Chamberlain.

Public comments: None

The minutes from the August 26, 2021, meeting were discussed.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the minutes as written. Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman Lynn Chamberlain recognized Gary Wilcox as the safety employee of the quarter.

Fay did not have any legal matters.

Mike reported the funding request has been made for the line to serve the LaVerkin East Bench and Virgin. There will need to be some matching donations. Mike though some would need to come from the district, but some will come as in kind donations from easements and businesses in Virgin who would like the lines extended. They had a lot of applicants for the grants. The division of water quality submitted a letter of support along with some of the affected cities.

The property trade is continuing to go forward. Mike is waiting for the other party to provide an exhibit of how the two owners will be splitting the district property. There is some discussion of having storm water drain to the property the district will be receiving.

The participants in the Leeds area sewer are starting to ask for funds to pay for the engineering work. Up to this point it has only been verbal support. The board looked at the plans that are being proposed for the project.

Mike reported the confluence treatment plant has gone through design. There will be an inspection at a plant in Illinois in a few weeks. Mike talked about the process for the next few months.

The Reach 11 pipeline project will be to bid on October 12. The pipe and manholes have been ordered. The bid will need to be awarded at the next meeting.

Mike talked about the need for reuse in wastewater. Mike was concerned that many of the cities have not worried about getting new water sources since signing the water pooling agreement. He felt like the cities needed to be proactive in developing their water sources and protecting their reuse rights. The board talked about some of the water conservation methods being used in the county. Mike explained how the water rights division figured the amount of water allowed when a city changes from agricultural to municipal uses. Because so much of the water used in Southern Utah is used outside, the cities need to be aware that there will not be as much water

being treated in the wastewater. They need to plan on the amount of reuse water only being a fraction of the amount used by the original water users.

Ash Creek SSD
Board Meeting
September 23, 2021
Page 2

Mike talked about a small parcel of district land that a homeowner has used as part of his yard for several years. He wants to sell his home now and would like to sell the property and include the district’s part of his yard with the property. He has asked to purchase the land. The district does not have any use for the land.  The staff has told him he needs to get an appraisal and legal description of the property. Mike asked if the board was willing to dispose of the property.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the disposal of the property if the purchaser pays the cost of appraisal, engineering, and recording. He will also need to get approval from LaVerkin City to amend the subdivision plat. Second by Kevin Tervort.  Motin carried by unanimous roll call vote.

The Board discussed the date of the December meeting. The meeting will be held on December 7, 2021

Motion to adjourn 6:52 PM


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 23day of August 2021 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Lynn Chamberlain


  1. Lynn Chamberlain Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the August 26, 2021 meeting.


  1. Lynn Chamberlain 5 minutes         Recognition of safety employee of the quarter.


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes       Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Michael Chandler 30 minutes               Review of DWQ funding for Virgin area and LaVerkin Bench.
  2. Report on property trade.
  3. Report on Leeds area sewer.
  4. update on treatment plant/master plan.
  5. Report on Reach 11 pipeline project.
  6. Discussion of wastewater reuse in each city.
  7. Discussion and motion concerning disposal of property in LaVerkin.
  8. Superintendent’s report on other operational matters.


Posted this 21 Day of September 2021

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

August 26, 2021


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    August 26, 2021

Present: Kevin Tervort, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, John Bramall, and Lynn Chamberlain.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Blair Gubler, Matt Goodrich, Kim Spendlove, Logan Murphy, and Heath Ruesch.

Audience: Yovonne Spendlove and Jilliene Gubler

Prayer and Pledge: Kelly Wilson

Public comments: None

The minutes from the July 20, 2021, meeting were discussed.

Motion by Justin Sip to approve the minutes as written. Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman Lynn Chamberlain recognized Blair Gubler’s 32 years of service to the district. He will be retiring on September 15 before the next board meeting. Mike invited the board to a luncheon in his honor.

Fay did not have any legal matters.

Mike discussed a private sewer agreement for the Liahona Academy. It is an eight-inch line on private property.

Motion by Kelly Wilson to approve the agreement. Second by John Bramall. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike asked for approval of a memorandum of understanding between the district and the Washington County Water Conservancy District. The new reservoir in Toquerville will put the Anderson Junction pump station in the water. The conservancy district will be moving the pump station and the district has budgeted the money to pay for upgrades from the existing facility. The agreement covers who will pay for each of the items. Lynn asked if the existing equipment was usable. Mike said the upkeep had been done and it was fully functional.

Motion by Justin Sip to approve the memorandum.  Second by Kevin Tervort. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Mike discussed the payment of a pipe and manhole upsize of sewer line on 1100 west in Hurricane. The have been some disagreements between some of the landowners about a cost sharing agreement. The two property owners who are ready to move could put in an 8-inch line for their developments. They asked if they could install a 10-inch because they wanted to use it as a bargaining chip with other landowners. Mike did not feel like the project was big enough to give a pioneer agreement. He requested the approval to pay for the upsize of the sewer line instead of entertaining a pioneering agreement.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the upgrade of the pipe sizes for the Rock View Subdivision. Second by Justin Sip Motin carried by unanimous vote.

Ash Creek SSD
Board Meeting
August 26, 2021
Page 2

Mike talked about ARPA money that has been approved for underserved areas. The state has picked Virgin as one of the areas that grant money could be given to. Mike has talked to the state and laid out a prospective sewer line. The trails will possibly be going over the same alignment as the sewer. This would give a lot of money to help put the sewer line to the LaVerkin Bench and Virgin. The grant will be requested by September 15th.

The property the  Confluence Park Treatment Plant will be built on has received zone change approval. The engineers are moving forward with planning and getting approval of the plant with the state. Mike showed the board some of the construction drawings and possible layouts of the treatment plant.

Mike presented a preliminary modeling plan for the district. The plan will be used to size the pipes and treatment plants for the future. Justin asked about the Leeds private group. Mike reported what they are doing and the need to work with the town as part of the district serving their developments. Mike felt like helping these communities will ensure a good product was built instead of letting developers build inexpensive systems that the district will be asked to take over in the future.

Mike reported the 3000 south road has had some road collapses. This is the road that was just completed with the bench lake project. The road is failing but it is not because the construction was faulty. Mike felt like the water is coming  from fields being overwatered and causing the collapses. The field being watered is owned by the Water Conservancy District but leased to an individual. Mike felt like the conservancy district and the irrigation company needed to take responsibility for water being used in the area. Mike thought the work to replace the section is 100-150K. The board discussed some options for taking care of the water.

Motion to adjourn at 7:05 PM.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 26day of August 2021 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Lynn Chamberlain


  1. Kelly Wilson Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the July 20, 2021 meeting.


  1. Lynn Chamberlain 10 minutes       Recognition of Blair Gubler’s retirement after 32 years of service.


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes       Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Michael Chandler 30 minutes               Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of private agreement for Liahona Academy .
  2. Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of memorandum of understanding with Washington County Water Conservancy District.
  3. Discussion and possible motion concerning payment of sewer line up-size on 1100 West project. (Rock View Subdivision.)
  4. Superintendent’s report on operational matters.


Posted this 23 Day of August 2021

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

July 20, 2021


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    July 20, 2021

Present: Richard Hirschi, Kevin Tervort, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, and John Bramall.

Lynn Chamberlain had asked to be excused.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Darrel Humphries, Blair Gubler, and Kim Spendlove.

Audience: Yovonne Spendlove

Prayer and Pledge: Richard Hirschi

Public comments: None

The minutes from the June 24, 2021, meeting were discussed.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the minutes as written. Second by Richard Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Fay did not have any legal matters.

Darrel gave a report on the district’s ½ year budget. The board talked about wages and impact fees.

Mike talked about a private sewer agreement needed for a private sewer agreement for Quail Lake Industrial Park phase 4.

Motion by John Bramall to approve the private agreement with Quail Lake . Second by Keven. Motin carried by unanimous vote.

Motion by John Bramall to continue the Dave Morgan agreement discussion to the next meetings.  Second by Kevin Tervort. Motin carried by unanimous vote.

Mike reported the property trade is still waiting for a final property transfer on the Blake Property. Mike felt like the district getting the property would help with the regional drainage problems.

Mike reported that he will be meeting with the LaVerkin and Virgin city councils and staff to talk about a possible trail and utility easement that would help get a sewer line location to the LaVerkin East Bench. Virgin would be able to connect to a line once it was on the bench. Mike will try to work with multiple entities to get people talking about it.

Leeds has seven property owners who have made a cost sharing agreement to put sewer into the Leeds valley. It will be a pressure line to the Harrisburg Pump station. The Conservancy District will bill for the people in the county. The district will still need to figure out how to work with the town to collect impact and monthly fees.

The pioneering agreements have still not been finalized. Chris Wyler has asked to not have an agreement because he would like to get money directly from the developers. Copper Rock has not been responsive and are holding out an easement from other developers.

Ash Creek SSD
Board Meeting
July 20, 2021
Page 2

The district has received some information from the state for the confluence treatment plant. Mike is hoping to move on planning quickly. The district will need to get a rezone of the property for the treatment plant. Mike was pleased with the progress the plant is making.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 PM.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that this Ash Creek Special Service District Board will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday the 20day of July 2021 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Justin Sip


  1. Richard Hirschi Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the June 24, 2021 meeting.


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes       Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Darrel Humphries 10 minutes      Report on 2021 ½ year budget


  1. Michael Chandler 30 minutes               Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of private agreement for Quail Lake Industrial Park Phase 4.
  2. Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of Dave Morgan body politic agreement.
  3. Report on property trade.
  4. Report on Leeds/Virgin area sewer.
  5. Report on pioneering agreements progress.
  6. Superintendent’s report on operational matters.


Posted this 19 Day of July 2021

Michael Chandler, Superintendent

June 24, 2021


Ash Creek SSD                                   Board Meeting                                    June 24, 2021

Present: Richard Hirschi, Kevin Tervort, Lynn Chamberlain, Kelly Wilson, Justin Sip, John Bramall.

Staff: Michael Chandler, Fay Reber, Heath Ruesch, Darrel Humphries, and Blair Gubler.

Audience: Vicktoria Yahorava, David Wittwer,

Prayer and Pledge: Kelly Wilson

Public comments: None

Chairman Chamberlain presented Heath Ruesch with an award for safety employee of the quarter.

The minutes from the May 18, 2021 meeting were discussed.

Motion by Justin Sip to approve the minutes as written. Second by Richard Hirschi. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

David Wittwer came before the board to give a presentation on the 2020 financial audit. David reported there were no compliance or internal control findings for the year. The issues from the previous years had been addressed. David went over the financial statements for the district. David talked about the trends in revenues, expenditures, and cash. David said the financial health of the district was good and being well run.

Mike talked about approval of a private sewer agreement for Quail Lake Industrial Park. They are not ready at this time and will be on the next agenda.

Mike reported the new sonic wave equipment was helping the district use less water. By not having to clean every line it is estimated 35% less water will be used in line cleaning.

Mike talked about the commercial billing. To be more accurate and take some stress off staff, the district would like to talk to the cities about setting up an automatic billing. If the changes cost more than the 5% the district will reimburse the cities.

The hiring committee has narrowed down the applicants for the assistant superintendent’s job. A second interview will be done on Friday.

Mike talked about a proposal to improve the road into the district’s hay shed. The district may need to participate with the developer to get the roadway in.

Mike gave a report on the treatment plant and the need to change the zoning on district property in LaVerkin. A proposed layout of how the plant will sit on the property was looked at. Mike said as much of the water as possible will be used in the irrigation system or on the confluence park property. Discharge to the river would be the last option when necessary. The board talked about how reuse water could be used. Lynn said the big project in Toquerville would be going in a year. Mike talked about the work he has been doing with the project’s engineering firms.

Ash Creek SSD
Board Meeting
June 24, 2021
Page 2

Mike talked about projects that will be happening in the next three years. With the growth happening and being planned, mike thought we would need to higher four or five new employees next year. He also thought a plan for a Hurricane treatment plant would need to start as soon as the Confluence Park plant was completed. Some possible projects would include the towns of Virgin and Leeds getting funding for wastewater collection systems.

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:05 PM.


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that thisAsh Creek Special Service District Boardwill hold its regular meeting on Thursday the 24day of June 2021 at the Ash Creek Office Building at1350 South Sand Hollow Road, Hurricane, Utah 84737

Commencing at 6:00 PM


  1. Call to Order Lynn Chamberlain


  1. Kelly Wilson Pledge of Allegiance & Prayer.


  1. Public comments: Public Participation (no action will be taken on any item until it is properly agendized). Citizens wishing to speak during public participation are asked to go to the podium, state their name for the record and limit comments to a minimal duration and/or no longer than three (3) minutes.


  1. Board comments and declaration of conflicts of interest.


  1. Lynn Chamberlain 5 minutes         Presentation of the first quarter safety awards.


  1. Discussion and approval of minutes from the May 18, 2021 meeting.


  1. David Wittwer 10 minutes       Presentation of the 2020 Financial Audit.


  1. Fay Reber 10 minutes       Discussion of legal matters.


  1. Michael Chandler 30 minutes               Discussion and possible motion concerning approval of private agreement for Quail Lake Industrial Park Phase 4.
  2. Superintendent’s report on operational matters.


Posted this 21 Day of June 2021

Michael Chandler, Superintendent